Thursday, October 6, 2016

back in the swing of things

Up until this point in our lives as parents, the school year hasn't really felt any different than the rest of the year. This year, there was a definite difference between summer and the start of the school year. We now have things in our plans almost every morning from preschool to dance classes to music classes, etc. We're so busy! But we're having a lot of fun too! We love getting out and doing fun things with our friends :)

The first to start up was ballet. Emily is loving it! They get to wear a different princess tutu each week and it just kills me seeing them dance around in them! So cute!

Then we started preschool. It's keeping me busy, since I'm the teacher, but it's going really well so far! We have all girls this year and they get along so well. We're really having a good time!

I didn't get any good pictures of Em by herself :(

Our ward had a fun party where we raced goldfish in rain gutters. Our fish unfortunately didn't make it past the first heat, but Emily really enjoyed watching the races. Addie was content to just sit and eat watermelon the whole time.

Some other random pictures from the last month or so:

my uncle, aunt, and cousins came to visit and they got Emily a cinderella dress and big coloring book for an early birthday gift :)

breakfast in bed for uncle danny's birthday

this is how Emily eats strawberries

Sunday night chats with Grandma Barb

I find my shoes all over the house all the time!

My favorite time of the year is coming up!! I only wish it felt more like fall :( I'm dying to break out the sweaters and boots! But we're so excited about all of the holidays coming up and the fun that they bring!

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