Saturday, October 8, 2011

Have yourself a bluebell country day!

Provo just got a little bit better.  There is a little shop in Provo now serving blue bell ice cream, exclusively.  Blue bell is one of the things I missed the most about Texas when I left.  There are a few restaurants in the area (outback and cracker barrel) that serve blue bell with their desserts.  But they only have vanilla and if you want to buy it you have to get it in the 3 gallon size.  Eve, a fellow Texan and great friend, was kind enough to buy us one of those very large containers of blue bell for a housewarming gift.

It lasted us several months, but I've been deprived since, and definitely needing some other flavors.  Then, last week, Eve made me aware of the new place in Provo.  It's called "I Like Ike's Cream," and since they opened on conference weekend, the girls got 1/2 off during priesthood session (the boys also got 1/2 off if they came in a shirt and tie afterward).  Since Grant was in Salt Lake for most of the day translating, a few of my old roommates and I went during priesthood session and had a little girl's night.  

Yes, my ice cream was way bigger than theirs.  Don't judge me :) Needless to say, I was very excited!  I can't wait to take Grant there!  Who cares if it's freezing outside and already snowing?  I'm sure we'll be making another visit soon :)

P.S.  I got a new present!!!!
It's been great to be able to come home and sit at the piano.  I've missed that a lot.  I'm also going to be playing the piano for our school choir, so now I can practice!


Amanda said...

So glad you got your Blue Bell ice cream in Provo...
Will that be a new favorite place for you to go on date night? What is grants favorite flavor???

Amanda said...

That comment was posted by the toytul... I mean, Barb...

Anonymous said...

Blue Bell!!!!