Saturday, April 9, 2016

Easter festivities

We had so much fun celebrating Easter this year! I love that Emily's at an age where she can better understand the story of Christ's atonement and resurrection and Addie's at a fun age where she can participate more in all of the festivities! It was a perfect Easter season!

-My parents gave us an Easter creche so the girls could act out the story of the resurrection. Emily loved telling it over and over again to Addie!

-We decorated sparkly Easter eggs!

-We had a fun Easter egg hunt with family and friends at my parents' house. The kids decorated cookies, then we went outside for the hunt, and then we had a potluck lunch. So fun!!

the only picture I got with every kid

Addie got into it way more than I expected. She held her own with those big kids and found a lot of eggs all by herself!

someone snuck a taste before I could get a picture ;)

We bring out this bunny every year and Addie became best friends with it! For a couple days she wouldn't let it out of her sight!

-On Easter morning, the girls got to see their Easter baskets. We had bunny pancakes for breakfast! Then we went to church and had Easter dinner with my family.

we made resurrection rolls for lunch

I love this family of mine!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Barb Zinn said...

"I love this family of mine" also! Sweet girls!