Monday, September 21, 2015

twinkle twinkle little star party

On Saturday, we had Emily's birthday party! It was so much fun! I love this part of parenting :) Making holidays and birthdays fun and exciting for my kiddos is such a blast! Emily was in heaven the whole day!
We went with a twinkle twinkle little star theme after I came across some cute ideas on pinterest (especially this blog post). It's one of Emily's favorite songs and she's crazy about anything that sparkles, so she loved the idea of a twinkle twinkle little star party. She's been talking about it for months! One of the perks of having my crafty mom and sister close by is that we can raid each others' craft supplies and decorations when certain occasions come around. We were able to round up a lot of things to use for the party and we made a lot of it ourselves :) It was awesome! (and now we're in the middle of planning a 1st birthday bash for the twins... it's going to be adorable!)

Here are some pics from the party:

favor table!

each kid got a wand and a favor bag with star-shaped goodies :)

dancing around waiting for her friends to arrive

the food table... we served brunch foods

instead of a cake, we had a star-shaped donut tower

outside games

we tried candles and even prepped her and practiced beforehand, but once the lighter came out, she got too scared :(

Addie got to wear a star headband, of course ;)

I love Nils and Maddie in this one ;)

waiting in line for the piƱata

spoiled girl!

Thanks to everyone who came and made her day so special! She can't stop talking about it and I think we'll be hearing about it for a long time to come!


Barb Zinn said...

Oh my good Kaite..... every picture is totally adorable and all the decorations. There is nothing you missed with the Twinkle Twinkle theme! I did not want the pictures to end. Emily looks excited from tip to toe. You are AMAZING! (along with your family :) Great job! Thanks for sharing

Barb Zinn said...

Oh my good Kaite..... every picture is totally adorable and all the decorations. There is nothing you missed with the Twinkle Twinkle theme! I did not want the pictures to end. Emily looks excited from tip to toe. You are AMAZING! (along with your family :) Great job! Thanks for sharing