-Addie basically sleep trained herself this month! (And when I say sleep trained, I mean that she can now go to sleep on her own without crying, not that she sleeps through the night... we're still far from that). I kept saying to Grant that we should probably sleep train soon until one day I realized there wasn't really anything to do. If I time it right, all I have to do is swaddle her and put her under her mobile and she'll go to sleep without crying. She does it for naps and bedtime. It's awesome! There are rare occasions where she'll cry when I put her down, so I do let her cry a little bit in those instances, but it still doesn't take long for her to go to sleep.
-While she's great at going to sleep, she's still, unfortunately, not the best at sleeping for long. During the day I get lucky if a nap goes longer than an hour and at night she hardly every goes more than 3 or 4 hours at a time :( There was one day this month that she went 6 hours, but it hasn't happened since. We were planning on moving her to her own room this month, but we found out her monitor doesn't reach so we're having to work on that first. I'm hoping it will help with the night sleep because I think when she's in our room I'm quicker to get her out of bed when she's stirring, when she could possibly go back to sleep if I gave her more time. Stay tuned for updates ;)
-Addie's become very giggly this month. She's very ticklish and easily amused so she laughs all the time. She especially loves being thrown in the air, dancing, and having conversations with people.
-Addie loves all people! She will let anyone hold her and she gives a huge smile anytime someone shows her attention. She will make your day by how excited she gets to see you :)
-The only things Addie doesn't like are baths in the big tub and her nursing cover. She used to love taking baths with Emily and then out of nowhere she started screaming every time we put her in there. We switched back to sink tubs and she still loves those. She's starting to get frustrated with the nursing cover. She gets excited when she sees it because she knows she's about to eat, but then she thrashes and kicks trying to get it off. It makes things difficult sometimes ;) Usually if I hold her hand she'll calm down enough to eat. She loves holding hands! It can almost always calm her down if she's upset.
-Addie started reaching for objects this month, which has made toys a lot more interesting to her. She's also getting a lot better at bringing her paci to her mouth. Just this week she's started rolling onto her side from her back and scooting herself around. I'll put her down on her playmat and a few minutes later she's turned a 180. I think the interest in toys is motivating her to try to move around.
she's starting to take an interest in bouncers
she wants that butterfly to reach her mouth so bad!
starting to turn on her side :)
-We've moved into the super drooly phase. She loves experimenting with her voice and some of those new voices involve a lot of spit ;) She also chews on her hands a lot, which contributes to the drooliness. She's recently started doing a thing where she sticks out her bottom lip like she's pouting, but she's completely happy. She's just learning new things she can do with her face. It's adorable!
drool everywhere!
-She's still the sweetest, happiest baby ever! I call her my angel baby because she's seriously so easy! I'm so grateful for that! I feel like I'm getting very spoiled with her ;) We love this girl so much!
She was so cooperative with her photoshoot today that we don't have any crazy outtakes, but here are some other cute shots :)